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Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Long awaited Episode of Bardock part 1an alternate version of Bardock's encounter with freeza. My opinion after reading this is ti might be a sneek preview to how different Ooishi Naho's lead in the new dragonball series project might differ greatly than the original Dragonballz. I rate this a 5 star manga worth reading.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi: NEW Interview on Character Creation!!!【HD】

Praise the lord finally a dragonballz game might have a character creation option. I guarantee if this character creation option is legit I will play this game for years to come . Not like Raging Blast 2.

As told by the video below there is another update to the rumored "dragonball hoshi" anime, telling by this the freeza looking character could be multiple amounts of aliases: Cooler's son, younger version of Cooler, Freeza's son or a younger Freeza. I think could also be a possiblity of that Freeza looking character of being the last known member of Freeza, Cooler and King Cold's race. Notice as the freeza-looking character takes on appearences of the artic team Freeza, Cooler and King Cold.Sorry for not posting freeza-looking guy's picture, couldn't find it anywhere.

Dragonball Hoshi Trailer 4